Angelina - No. 6 - Craw

(5 reviews) Write a Review
Shoe Size:
7 (US)
Subject Count:
453 MB
FPS [Main]:
50 FPS
Smash Style:
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Product Overview

Angelina walks over craws and then stops to smash some.

Shot in 1080p 50 FPS


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  • 5
    Great video from Angelina!

    Posted by Conker Squirrel on May 16th 2024

    I really enjoyed Angelina! She did a wonderful job crushing all the crawdads (both walkover crushes and normal crushes). She looked beautiful in her black leather skirt and sandals! Lovely legs and feet!

  • 5

    Posted by footlover7760 on Jun 8th 2023

    Omg I LOVE this video. Great viewing angles and Angelina is so GORGEOUS. She's so careless and just steps on them perfectly like she doesn't even notice them. That's how you do a walkover! I wish the walkover was the whole video but it's still worth the price. Her smashing the rest of them in piles is SO orgasmic too. She even tramples on them to squish another one so carelessly. The BEST crawdad walkover I've ever seen. We need LOTS more just like this one.

  • 4

    Posted by Lee Junjae on Aug 3rd 2022


  • 5

    Posted by Derick on Nov 22nd 2021

    While the camera angles, work and picture quality are high, Angelina above all is just stunning and her performance alone makes the clip worth watching. She is absolutely indifferent about the little guys and crushes them without hesitation. During the walkovers while appearing careless, she makes sure the crawdads feel the full power of her weight and sandals. When she is delibrately crushing them, she gets real involved and often likes to leave their corpses mangled on the hard stone after the first crush. In another scene where she faces off with a large group of them she methodically crushes them. Some try to resist her, but they scurry back realizing their claws are useless and get stomped into the ground. Angelina gets the job done and makes sure none of the crawdads survive. By far my favorite clip and it really is worth double, even triple the amount of the original price. Highly recommended!

  • 5

    Posted by Eriador on Jul 4th 2021

    Truly amazing video, great walkovers. Perfect camera work and angles. Highly recommend