Kenyan Kricket Kruncher

(2 reviews) Write a Review
1.77 GB
Shoe Size:
6 (US)
30 FPS
15000 kbps CBR
Smash Style:
5' 5" (165.1 cm)
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Product Overview

Naiya smashes some crickets in her high heels using vigorous stomps, twists, jumps, and quick steps.

Note: Video discounted for high visual noise and low light.

Shot in 1080p 30 FPS


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  • 4
    I still think this was a good video.

    Posted by Conker Squirrel on May 7th 2024

    Is it perfect? No, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. Naiya did a good job crushing a lot of bugs. It would have been better if she didn’t let any of them escape though. She looked lovely in her skirt and high heels!

  • 2
    Could've Been Great

    Posted by Skunk on Jan 30th 2022

    The model is beautiful but her style of crushing is bad Bad BAD. Don't take it the wrong way, I just don't know if anyone in the community likes seeing crickets crushed this way. A squishy mound of guts and juice 2 minutes in, and the rest of the video is just her making the mound bigger. No crunch sounds, no clear, visible crushing of any bugs. Just more bugs mushed into a mound of mess and quick step and slides. I She needs some direction if she doesn't have any. If she was told to do this then please tell her to either step on the bug like a normal person would and take her time. Gorgeous feet and legs; don't rush through the crush.